Use Case Study: Transforming Efficiency and Cost Savings for a Load Bank Manufacturer
A U.S.-based load bank manufacturer slashed costs by more than $400,000 annually after switching to Caster Connection, gaining tailored solutions at a 52% pric…
Our expert solutions staff has more than a century of combined experience in the caster and material handling industry, making Caster Connection a prime source for help and advice regarding all caster and material handling needs. We work with our clients to understand their needs for every application and provide the correct solution the first time, providing the proof our clients need to feel confident in our recommendations. Peruse below some examples of solutions we've provided our clients.
A U.S.-based load bank manufacturer slashed costs by more than $400,000 annually after switching to Caster Connection, gaining tailored solutions at a 52% pric…
A boat manufacturer was losing 5–6 hours of productivity per week due to failing casters in a fiberglass-heavy production environment. Swivel casters were seiz…
A manufacturing facility in Kentucky was struggling with material handling challenges while transporting automotive components on their heavy-duty carts, which…
When a leading manufacturer of heating equipment faced costly floor damage and frequent caster breakdowns, they turned to Caster Connection for a solution. Kee…
In this case study, an industry-leading electric truck manufacturer faced caster failures that caused production line disruptions. Seeking a customized solutio…
Casters for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and automated guided carts (AVCs), critically affect overall performance. Noise, ergonomics, weight capacity, cust…
A leading provider of adaptive material handling systems faced challenges with their 7000 lbs AGV units. Initially, the AGVs utilized a 4 swivel caster system …
This case study provides a detailed overview of the client's challenges, the collaborative solution provided by Caster Connection, and the resulting benefits a…
An internationally-well-known tire manufacturer was experiencing several issues in their facility that could all be remedied by using different, more appropria…
Most of our clients work with us because they have a specific issue they need to solve. However, as we begin working with them, we often discover that they hav…
This case study explores how a strategic solution was implemented to address various challenges related to material handling at a tire manufacturing facility. …
Our team recently conducted a site visit to Toyota Material Handling's production facility, where they showcased our product to the engineers and material hand…
Have you ever bought a product that claimed to be durable and high-performing, but then you found out how fragile and poor-quality it was? We’ve seen it dozens…
This case study provides a detailed overview of the client's challenges, the collaborative solution provided by Caster Connection, and the resulting benefits a…
Many of our clients don’t even think about casters until there has been a problem. In one instance, a facility for an industry-leading manufacturer of agricult…
A well-known agricultural equipment manufacturer in the Midwest moves tens of thousands of parts each month, moving throughout main buildings and from one buil…
Owners of a storefront were worried they had to delay the grand opening of a new location due to an inability to get a set of casters on time. They were using …
No company is the exact same, but over the years, we’ve found that our tens of thousands of clients have to answer one main question, “What value do these cast…
When an industry-leading farm equipment manufacturer faced significant ergonomic issues that were jeopardizing the safety of their workers and hampering produc…
This case study examines how an American automotive company with an engine plant in the Midwest successfully addressed ergonomic challenges in their assembly p…
When an industry-leading farm equipment manufacturer faced significant ergonomic push/pull issues that were jeopardizing the safety of their workers and hamper…
Before working with Caster Connection, a Ford Engine plant was experiencing excessive noise while using a urethane-tread wheel recommended to them by another c…
A former carpenter found that he needed to build a “body dolly” that could hold the body of his 1941 Buick Century Sedanette during its restoration.
In environments like automotive manufacturing, it's important to take measures to reduce noise levels as much as possible for the safety of employees. Casters …
Before meeting with Caster Connection, a Ford Truck plant was having issues with 8” x 3” and 10” x 3” casters from a couple of other caster companies. These in…
Before working with Caster Connection on this issue, a GM automotive Assembly Plant in Kentucky was experiencing ergonomic problems while using a popular caste…
Before working with Caster Connection, a Ford Assembly plant was originally using casters with a 250mm diameter that were recommended by another caster company…
A General Motors Supply Warehouse in the Midwest was experiencing issues with keeping track of all the types of casters they were using in their various carts …
Before working with Caster Connection, a Michigan General Motors Plant’s Engine Side was experiencing ergonomic issues with another caster company’s urethane o…
Before working with Caster Connection, a Ford Engine plant was experiencing excessive noise while using a urethane-tread wheel recommended to them by another c…
A multinational conglomerate involved in a variety of industries had several caster-related problems at one of their manufacturing facilities.
Over the years, it’s become very apparent that each one of our clients has unique needs and preferences. We’ve designed our casters to cover most of the issues…
A large auto manufacturing client of Caster Connection brought a new challenge to the table: they needed a solution for an electrostatic discharge-safe area. T…
A national retailer that caters to do-it-yourselfers and construction professionals was having an issue with runaway carts. In their distribution centers, they…
The Ford High-Velocity Center in Princeton, IN, provides wholesale distribution of motor vehicle supplies, accessories, tools and equipment. Prior to wor…
Chewy.com is an online pet food retailer whose distribution center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The company had a problem fulfilling orders in a tim…
Caster Connection’s focus on ensuring that our clients implement the right product for their needs the first time around separates us from the competition. Aft…
Hospitals constantly look for new ways to improve their patients’ comfort level. One aspect of patients’ comfort is the noise level of their environment. Hospi…
The maintenance department of a hospital uses carts that encounter various types of floor environments, requiring casters that are durable, quiet and easy to p…
Hospitals pride themselves in keeping their floors and seating areas clean and unmarked. One hospital found that their rolling chairs and tables (which were fi…
It's awesome to see how our line of CC Vintage and other DIY-project casters and wheels can add the perfect touch to someone's home or office. Caster Connecti…
A furniture maker was tasked with finding an aesthetically pleasing, vintage looking caster for a large, special project. They were having problems finding the…
A Machine Shop client of Caster Connection was approached by a client of theirs that used multiple racks in their facility and had a floor surface covered in m…
Automotive plants are subject to strict safety testing in order to ensure the protection of their products and workers. Some examples of safety testing include…
Manufacturing seats for the automotive industry creates an environment that can be very hostile to most caster wheels - an environment in which a great amount …
Road cases often carry extremely valuable equipment, which is often substantially heavy. While a great deal of importance is placed on the design of the case i…
After a competitor of Caster Connection recommended a nylon wheel that was an incorrect fit for its meat mixing machine, a food packaging company quickly began…
Bearings are an unsung component of casters that play a huge part in casters’ performance. Ensuring that the correct bearing is implemented for the application…
High volume manufacturing and distribution requires flexibility and swiftness from all suppliers. Caster Connection strives to fulfill this nearly universal re…
The applications of many industrial manufacturing plants require the use of manually operated, hand-pushed carts. These carts are essential in carrying equipme…
The equipment used in automotive manufacturing has to meet strict safety standards in order to be approved for use. Equipment that does not meet these standard…
Hospitals are designed to work around the patients’ needs and to keep them comfortable. It is sometimes easy to forget how big of an impact small details can h…
A design and build contractor for one of the United States’ leading light-rail systems was encountering problems with static shock in one of their projects. Th…
Manufacturers often face the problem of choosing brakes that are effective and ergonomic for the carts in their facilities. A major manufacturer had trouble fi…
A major manufacturer of clocks and furniture was in the midst of introducing a new product into their lineup. With the added stress of this new product on thei…
When purchasing casters and wheels, the quality of the sellers’ client service is often as important of a factor as the quality of the products being purchased…
Casters and wheels are easy to overlook unless there is a glaring problem with them. However, sometimes there are some not so obvious problems with casters and…
When material needs to be moved and space is limited, manually pushed and pulled carts are typically used as mobility tools. Using manual carts instead of moto…
A family-owned and operated ice cream cone and cup manufacturer was experiencing difficulty in manually pushing and pulling their 1,500 lb. batter bowls.
End users of industrial magnets such as railroad yards, steel yards and warehouses use casters and wheels on their yard trucks to move the magnets throughout t…
Caster Connection received this message from a now-client in the manufacturing & design industry who found our website in hopes of finding a solution to their …
A large automotive manufacturing client of Caster Connection is clearly aware of why selecting the right caster is vitally important to keeping business in mot…
A material handling company was using a 6” x 3” polyurethane wheel that was continually failing and retaining large amounts of debris. This made the company’s …
A poultry producer was using a very hard 4” x 1-1/4” polyolefin wheel for their feed carts. The wheels were very noisy, and broke after only a few months of us…
An auto manufacturer had a series of carts that operated in an area with lots of metal chips and debris on the floor. The application currently had in use poly…
A large baking facility was having problems with carts carrying heavy amounts of dough. The carts were using phenolic wheels with roller bearings. The phenolic…
You may have already experienced high-quality ergonomic casters (casters that protect you from debilitating back injury). Possibly, you’ve used high-quality ca…
Automotive plants are one of the toughest environments when it comes to operating truck carts, WIP carts, tugger carts and other material handling systems. Au…
For more than 30 years, we’ve seen a lot of different facilities and unique challenges. At times, there are multiple casters that will solve the problem, but i…
Due to the success and recognizable orange color of Caster Connection's CC Apex caster wheel, numerous manufacturers have come out with their inferior version …
A company that manufactures windows was having a difficult time moving carts using 8” x 2” phenolic rigid and swivel casters. The phenolic wheels were picking …