CC Apex Wheels Perform on Debris-Heavy Floors with Spectacular Results

An auto manufacturer had a series of carts that operated in an area with lots of metal chips and debris on the floor. The application currently had in use polyolefin on polyurethane wheels that attached into the legs of the carts. Over time, the wheels became inundated with debris from the floors and rendering them almost inoperable. The carts were extremely difficult to push and pull with items constantly fall off the shelves. Flooring in the facility was also being damaged due to the wheels scraping/dragging along the floor rather than rolling.

A Caster Connection Regional Solutions Manager was called in to inspect the situation. He suggested using the CC APEX-425S wheels with expandable adapters that attach securely into the legs of the carts. The special blend of polyurethane in the CC Apex wheel causes debris to be expelled rather than get embedded in the wheel. After an initial trial on one cart, the facility manager was impressed with the performance of the wheels and ordered all the carts to be replaced with CC Apex wheels.

Several months later the carts with CC Apex are still working smoothly with no debris retention. As a result, the employees are able to use the carts again, the floors don’t need to be repaired, and everyone can get back to work!
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