CC Apex Wheels: An End to Damaged Flooring, Downtime and Noise
A Machine Shop client of Caster Connection was approached by a client of theirs that used multiple racks in their facility and had a floor surface covered in metal shavings. The end user had tried very high durometer (very hard material) wheels in the past, but this created an intolerably high noise level. They had also tried low durometer polyurethane wheels and a very popular brand of a thermoplastic elastomer wheel, but both wheels were damaged by the debris.
Wheels That Reduce Floor Damage: CC Apex

After speaking with the Machine Shop about the end user’s application and gaining an understanding of what they hope to achieve, Caster Connection recommended that the end user trial Caster Connection’s line of CC Apex 5" wheels.
After 1 month with the CC Apex line in service, the end user is very happy with the wheels’ performance and has experienced a great improvement in ease of rolling, noise reduction and dispelling of debris.
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