The CC Apex Keeps Quiet in the Hospital Environment
Hospitals are designed to work around the patients’ needs and to keep them comfortable. It is sometimes easy to forget how big of an impact small details can have on the patient, such as the noise levels of casters.
One large hospital found themselves with just this problem. Their 6” x 2” polyolefin wheels were making a lot of noise that annoyed employees and patients. The hospital was concerned with how the noise levels would affect their patients who were complaining of the annoyance. To find a solution to this problem, the hospital’s maintenance department alerted the hospital and asked Caster Connection for help.

The hospital required a new prescription for casters and wheels from Caster Connection
After observing the carts in use, a Caster Connection Regional Solutions Manager recommended a trial run of the CC Apex 6” x 2” wheel. Not only did workers report that the wheels were extremely quiet, but they found that the push/pull force required to move the carts was lessened. The housekeeping manager was so pleased that they have asked to continue using these casters in future purchases.

The 6” CC Apex wheel dramatically reduced the hospital’s noise level The right caster not only helped their original problem, but improved their function as well. Read more about the success of the CC Apex in the hospital environment here.
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