CC Vintage Casters: The Perfect Touch for a Steel and Reclaimed Wood Coffee Table

It's awesome to see how our line of CC Vintage and other DIY-project casters and wheels can add the perfect touch to someone's home or office. Caster Connection client and professional photographer, Abby Lorenz told us the story of how she found our vintage casters, installed them on her steel and reclaimed wood coffee table - and included some fantastic pictures as well! We appreciate it, Abby!
I am a professional photographer and I work from home--I have a home studio/office space where I meet with clients, and when I was setting up my office a few months ago I knew I wanted a unique space that showcased my brand and my personality. My boyfriend is a professional welder; He works for a company doing structural welding (stairways, railings, building reinforcement, etc). He has already made a few pieces for my office including my desk which is butcher block mounted onto hairpin legs he custom made for me, and also a huge raw steel magnet board that hangs above the sofa in my office displaying my pictures.

His newest piece is this steel and reclaimed wood coffee table. He welded the steel frame using steel angle and steel channel. The boards are--you guessed it--pallet, which he sawzalled off, leaving the nail heads in tact. I knew I wanted the table mounted on casters. To be totally honest, we actually bought another set of casters from another company, but when they came in the second I looked at them I knew they were ALL WRONG. They were great, well made casters but the look was totally wrong. So I went back and hunted again--searching for "vintage industrial casters" and Caster Connection popped up. I don't know how I didn't see it the first time I searched. I found these 4" vintage style industrial casters and knew they were EXACTLY what I wanted.

They shipped out quickly, arrived in a few days, and the next day Jason and I headed to the shop where he welded the plates of the casters onto the frame. These casters SO PERFECTLY finished off this table. They were EXACTLY what I wanted. And not only do they look great, but Jason was so excited when he was done welding the casters on, he actually jumped onto the table it self and rode it like a skateboard across the shop--these casters held strong (and Jason's a big guy) and glided beautifully and smoothly across the cement floor.

You'll see a few shots of the finished table--the last picture being the table set up in my office. Thanks so much for creating these great casters that so beautifully finish off this table. Jason and I are slowly working toward starting a custom made furniture business and I promise you we will be coming to you for the casters on all of our projects!

Thanks again for this fantastic product!
Very best,
Abby Lorenz
Shop CC Vintage Casters Here.