CC Apex Casters Meet Auto Manufacturing Safety Standards
The equipment used in automotive manufacturing has to meet strict safety standards in order to be approved for use. Equipment that does not meet these standards is hazardous to workers and productivity. An example of equipment that does not meet safety standards are casters that require push/pull force above the organization’s set ergonomic threshold.
Casters Featuring CC Apex Wheels Offer Ergonomic Improvement, Durability and Reduce Noise
The equipment used in automotive manufacturing has to meet strict safety standards in order to be approved for use. Equipment that does not meet these standards is hazardous to workers and productivity. An example of equipment that does not meet safety standards are casters that require push/pull force above the organization’s set ergonomic threshold.
A leading automotive manufacturer approached Caster Connection when one of their dollies could not meet these standards. Moving the dollies required a push/pull force of 46 pounds; six pounds over the company’s required ergonomic threshold. Instead of replacing the dolly, the company asked Caster Connection for help with replacing their casters. Not only did they need the push/pull force reduced, but the cart had to remain at the same height, and the caster had to meet the specifications of the previous caster while performing at a higher level.

Caster Connection’s CC Apex line reduces push/pull force and rejects debris such as metal shavings
Using his years of experience and knowledge of the caster industry, a Caster Connection Regional Solutions Manager suggested replacing the automotive manufacturer’s polyurethane on iron wheels with casters featuring Caster Connection’s CC Apex line of wheels. Caster Connection also managed to have a special rig made that would fit the wheel and maintain the desired height of the dolly.
When testing the CC Apex, the client found that the dollies’ push/pull resistance was reduced by 20 pounds, easily meeting safety standards. They were so pleased with the results that they not only replaced all of their dollies’ wheels with the new wheel, but began replacing their other cart’s wheels with the CC Apex as well. The client remarked that in addition to being easier to maneuver, the cart’s noise levels were greatly reduced. All of these improvements have helped to solidify the CC Apex’s reputation as a line of wheels that offer durability, noise reduction and ergonomic improvement.

The automotive manufacturing client’s factory now features a sea of casters featuring CC Apex wheels.
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