Shop our selection of towline caster wheels below.
Caster Connection offers many different towline caster wheels. Before you purchase caster wheels for towlines, make sure you know what you want out of a caster for your specific application by checking out our complete guide (article and video) to selecting casters for towlines.
Certain caster wheels are extremely well suited for both push/pull and towline applications, so if you have a tugger train that allows you to easily transport your carts by hand, make sure that your caster wheels are not only great for towlines but also excellent for ergonomic applications. With the right towline caster wheels, you’ll be able to transport more weight faster, which will allow you to be much more productive.
Below, you’ll find towline caster wheels that have met the highest standards in the most demanding warehouses in the world. Contact us if you don’t see what you need or if you would like some guidance in purchasing caster wheels.