Casters and Wheels in Automotive Manufacturing
Automotive plants are subject to strict safety testing in order to ensure the protection of their products and workers. Some examples of safety testing include ergonomic measurement and implementation, and decibel level measurement. Measuring of decibel levels is done to ensure that a facility’s noise level isn’t loud enough to cause damage to workers’ ears and also to ensure that communication for both work purposes and emergency notifications is possible.
Noise Reducing Casters and Wheels in an Automotive Plant
Before speaking with Caster Connection, an automotive manufacturing plant found that the casters and carts in their applications were too loud. A light duty aluminum rack that was being towed through the plant was registering at over 95 decibels. The plant contacted Caster Connection and spoke with a Regional Solutions Manager (RSM) to help reduce the volume output as much as possible.
Caster Connection’s original solution to the noise problem succeeded in bringing down the noise level caused by the cart, but not enough to pass the safety test. Unsatisfied with the results, Caster Connection’s RSM used his years of experience and knowledge of the caster industry to suggest the Blickle Softhane® wheel, as well as a rubber dampening pad. The Blickle Softhane® wheel reduced noise levels because of the absorption qualities of its polyurethane. The more interesting part of the solution offered was the rubber dampening pad: a pad that fits in between the top plate and the cart reducing rattling absorbing shocks.

After implementing this new combination, the plant found that their application not only passed the safety test, but produced dramatically less noise than previously expected. The client was also pleased with the quick delivery Caster Connection offered. The client continues to use our products to this day and could not be happier with the results.
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