Spot-on Solutions From: John Reat

How long have been with Caster Connection?
JR: I started in January of 2012.
What do you enjoy most about Caster Connection?
JR: What I enjoy most is the “can do” attitude we all share and our real sense of urgency. Since I started with Caster Connection, there has always been a surgical focus on getting the job done, getting the problem solved and making sure the client is taken care of. We can analyze things later, but making sure our clients' needs are met is the top priority. This focus on immediate solutions is quite different from other companies and is one which helps explain Caster Connection's remarkable success.
What kinds of problems do you solve as a Client Solutions Representative?
JR: We each have an area of specialization and mine is the maintenance and overall support of several of our larger accounts.
Client Solutions Guru John Reat
What sets our Solutions Team apart from other caster suppliers?
JR: Our single most important difference are our inside Clients Solutions and outside Regional Solutions teams. Our solutions teams have extensive caster knowledge and bring it to every meeting they have with clients. The other key factor that makes our Regional Solutions team so powerful is that they know they have a support organization and warehouse team. This ensures they make good on the commitments put forth to their clients.
How different does Caster Connection look today from when you started?
JR: Since I’ve started here, we’ve launched an eCommerce site and introduced several different product lines including the CC Stout and CC Vintage. Our warehouse has also gotten much more organized and refined. It’s been exciting watching Caster Connection grow.
Which item from Caster Connection’s product line is your favorite and why?
JR: The CC Apex product line is the most fun to explain to people. It has all the features a company actually needs. When you explain all the success stories around the CC Apex wheel, it sends a very strong message. As you tick off all the features, it’s entertaining to listen how people react positively and finally agree that the CC Apex is what they need.
My second favorite, though, is the CC Vintage line. Once you point it out to people, and they see it on the webpage, nearly everyone becomes a fan and decides they have to have them. The literally sell themselves.

What’s your philosophy on serving clients’ needs?
JR: Being in front of every situation. I like to know what’s going on as soon as possible so I can relay that information to the client. Saving time and being up front with the client are very important to me.
Why should people trust us for their casters and wheel needs?
JR: Because we know what the best solutions are for almost every situation. We have a lot of extensive experience and expertise. There is always someone who has already solved the given situation our current client may be asking about.
What do you consider the most crucial part of your job?
JR: Owning a client situation through to conclusion.