Spot-on Solutions From: Joe Lyden

How long have you been with Caster Connection?
Joe Lyden: A little over 7 years, since 2008; May of 2008.
What do you enjoy most about Caster Connection?
JL: I really enjoy how everyday is different. There are always a lot of new challenges and opportunities to meet those challenges. So I would say that the growth that Caster Connection has experienced has presented a lot of challenges and I enjoy that aspect of it… and the people. I really like the team that we have. We don’t take ourselves too seriously but we get a lot of things done.
What sets Caster Connection apart from other caster suppliers?
JL: We look more at what the client needs and sometimes even assist in getting them to see that, when they might not be looking at it from that perspective. Whereas, I think a lot of people in our industry are more “me too”, “I can do that”, “can I quote that?” - as oppose to looking at an application and a potential solution to endear yourself to that client.
What kind of problems do you have to solve as an Director of Sales?
JL: From a client standpoint, the things that we’re consistently dealing with are people wanting to move more for less. So, they want to move more weight at faster speeds, for either the same price or less. That is probably the biggest challenge that we run into. Setting expectations is critical, for example, getting the client to understand that they can only accomplish a certain number of things and then prioritizing what’s most important to them and going from there. It’s important to focus on some of my past experiences or something from the client's perspective that they can understand so that you’re not making promises that you can’t keep.
How do you evaluate a clients'/prospects' needs?
JL: Site visits are the best! Seeing the application, face-to-face is the most optimal way to do it. The clients may not be able to relay all the information that you’re looking for, they might be overlooking something that you would see that could cause problems down the road. If you can see the application face-to-face, you can make the correct recommendation, rather than, over the phone or via E-mail. You can accomplish a lot over the phone or via E-mail, but if the size of the project or opportunity warrants a face-to-face, that’s always the best way to get it done.
What’s your philosophy on serving clients'/prospects'?
JL: Being able to engage with a client quickly can differentiate you from moving along in the sales cycle or being shut down immediately. So, being personable, like I said before, and putting yourself in that person’s shoes to either make them successful with the project that they have or successful in general is a way to stand out and that’s a way to really qualify the prospect and to identify whether it’s a good fit from both ends.
Which item from Caster Connection’s product line is your favorite and why?
JL: The easy answer would be the CC Apex. It’s Caster Connection’s flagship product and it is a tremendous product at a fair price. Our clients have been very successful with it. But, I will say that my favorite product would have to be the combination of the CC Apex with the CC Peak – our maintenance-free rig. It is extremely robust, very quiet, and provides a tremendous ergonomic caster that solves a lot of problems. It has really helped out our clients, tremendously. Having a hand in designing that and really getting that on some large clients’ blanket is the reason why the CC Apex + CC Peak combination is my favorite.
Shown above: Caster Connection Director of Sales, Joe Lyden explains the differences in construction and performance between kingpin, kingpinless, and maintenance-free plate-mount swivel caster rigs.
What do you consider the most crucial part of your job?
JL: I would say, “follow through”. Follow through is the most critical component. We’re dealing with clients that have a lot of things to do and if we’re not staying in front of them and accomplishing what we say we are going to do, they might forget about us. That might open the door for the competition to come in. So, not giving our clients a reason to talk to someone else in our industry [is very important].
Becoming a trusted advisor is also important, but that comes with getting things done that you’re saying you’re going to get done - I think that’s the most critical. Follow through in a timely fashion and closing the loop, closing your end of action items is the most critical component to success.