How To Quiet Caster Noise
Whether working in or passing through certain areas, you've surely experienced noise pollution caused by a set of non-ideal caster wheels. Learn how to quiet caster noise by matching the caster wheel best-suited to an appropriate floor environment.
If caster noise is something you want to avoid, we have good news - you have one of two choices:
- Do nothing about it and accept the caster noise for what it is
- Opt for the best caster wheel solution for your needs
To quickly find out the cause of caster wheel noise disturbances, zero-in on the caster wheel material and floor surfaces.
For example, a hard steel caster wheel can hold a lot of weight, but it cannot absorb and distribute impact well, leading to high noise output when rolling. In addition, hard tread wheels can also damage fragile flooring by wearing grooves into it, or by picking up debris that is then pressed into the flooring.
Opting for a smooth, soft tread caster wheel for a hard and/or rough floor has its advantages. Not only will a soft tread caster wheel be useful for noise suppression, but the transported cargo on the cart also will not be affected by caster noise that creates vibrations. Unsurprisingly, a soft tread wheel rolls best on debris-free flooring, as rough and/or messer flooring can hinder mobility.
In summary, softer tread caster wheels have a lower decibel output than harder tread caster wheels do.
CC Apex wheels feature a high quality polyurethane tread that stores and exudes energy to help boost ergonomic performance and reduce noise-causing vibrations of carts and equipment, offering a smooth and quiet ride that makes it ideal for manufacturing, medical, hospitality, and other environments.
The CC Apex’s durable polyurethane tread also features a debris-rejecting quality, meaning the wheel doesn’t damage or mark floors, helping to lower time spent on floor upkeep.
Available in 2" wide and 1-1"4" wide, in several diameters.