Dynamic Drum Testing of Casters

Everyday our products are being utilized by clients around the world in many different industries. We make sure that our Caster Connection products are capable of their needs by testing our products to the ANSI ICWM-2018 standards. A major portion of this testing is dynamic testing.
In late 2019, Caster Connection updated our Dynamic Drum Test Machine to ensure that we could meet a wider range of applications. This machine is now capable of testing a 15” caster at 18 MPH with a 6000 LB load. This allows us to easily complete the dynamic testing by applying a specified load to the caster as the wheel rotates against a steel drum at a specified speed. This testing allows us to accurately recreate a product failure and quickly move to correct the problem, and be positive that our clients' casters meet their needs.

What data can we get from the dynamic drum test? Throughout every test, we constantly record the load on the caster, the speed of the drum, and also the surface temperature of the tread, core, or the bearings. This allows us to better understand what is happening inside the caster when a failure may occur.
The data collected shows how a caster responds to different loads and speeds over the course of the test. We better understand that a caster will have different load ratings at different speeds. The caster will have varying duty cycles for different loads at varying speeds as well.
Another important capability of our test machine is comparable data. We are able to test each individual feature of a given caster line. For example, we can compare the tread designs of casters: donut, flat, crowned, split. For each of these treads, we can see how obstacles, speed, and many other factors shape the performance of the design. Our Dynamic Drum Test Machine allows us to compare different wheels and casters and better provide the end client with the correct fit for their application. We know the right caster for your application because of the testing that we do.
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